(ordering instructions below)
Popcorn Product List
40oz 3-Way Tin $30 | 24-pack microwave $25 | 24oz ChocCarmel $15
28oz Carmel, Almonds & Pecans $15 | 12-pack Butter or Lite $10
12oz Carmel w/peanuts $7 | 2.5lb popping corn $7
Email Order Request cscnet@usa.net
Confirm order and send PayPal
<--Click for PayPal information
Popcorn order delivered to your door
on the Beautiful Broadneck Peninsula
Ordering Instructions
1. Review Product list and remember what you want
2. Email Eric @ cscnet@usa.net
with item and quantity
3. Eric will email you back confirming your order and cost
--Eric Thanks You--
4. Pay using your PayPal account
5. Hardest part: Wait for popcorn to be delivered to you
Or just buy your popcorn in front of Graul's from a scout
CapeStClaire.Net receives no money from the popcorn